Fine Tuning

Every day now I am stronger, more coordinated, and just plain old-fashioned better

My First Mini-Vacation

I'd like to provide some video of the progression of this condition, to sort of put things in perspective for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of seeing me in a while!

The Fall

After all of this, I'm reminded of where I am, and more aware of why this happened...

Intro to 2018

His devotion and understanding throughout this whole process needs to be rewarded, and I intend to pay him back.

Your (Not So)Typical New Year Post

Being a better listener now applies to the voices in my head too...

Puttin’ it in Perspective

I make this conclusion based on a unique perspective: Mine.

Liquid Gold!?!?

I can't put into words the feelings that ran through me when I heard, and then processed, that little 3-word sentence...